Successful cooperation between parents and teachers is important because it also has an affect on your child's development.
"Children benefit greatly from the good links the setting has with the local school nursery. Staff work closely with the teacher there to promote a shared approach to children's learning and development across the two settings" ofsted inspection 24/06/2013 Good in all areas
This is why we encourage a culture of cooperation, smooth transitions and a continuous exchange between parent and teacher.
ParentZone is a smart phone app which brings you closer to your child’s development at Jigsaws. Once given am email registration you will see a timeline of your child’s day at nursery, you can view photos, videos and notes on your child’s daily activities. The great thing is you can also let us know what you and your child have been doing at home. Send us that 'wow' moment when you child walks for the first time, asks for the toilet or builds five blocks in a tower. That way our teachers can share those moments at Jigsaws and it all supports our care and teaching.
During the Covid pandemic we have had to stop the use of Home learning packs we will re-introduce them back ASAP
Support Your Child's Learning at Home with our Home Learning Packs
We have home learning bags for you to loan for 50p deposit with activities for you to do at home. These are in the front reception area. Please ask your room supervisor if you wish to use one.
You can choose from four bags:
· Shape, size and pattern (Explorers and Discoverers)
· Numbers (Explorers and Discoverers)
· Reading and writing (Explorers and Discoverers)
· Heuristic Play (Crawlers and Explorers)
Each term we arrange an evening where parents of children from birth to pre-school can chat with our practitioners, look at their childrens record books and discuss your child's development. It's a great chance to look at observations, their work and photos of children while learning and playing at Jigsaws.
Each year we get involved in the Banardo's Big Toddle with parents and children from Toddlers, Jigsaws and our local School Nursery. Over the last five years we have raised hundreds of pounds to support this great cause and our children have enjoyed the chance to picnic in the woods.
During the Covid pandemic we have had to stop the use of Barnaby & Rosie, we will re-introduce them back ASAP
All our children are given the opportunity to take home our favourite bear 'Barnaby' or his best friend Rosie, as they spend some quality time with you and your family. Complete the diary, take some pictures and then tell all your friends about it at circle time. This is a great way to help children understand about the world around them, taking turns and about transition between home and Jigsaws. As a child tells us about their friends visit we acknowledge their contribution and this builds confidence.
Often Barnaby takes home learning opportunitiies that parents and children can work through together. At Jigsaws we believe that learning at home is just as important as in our nursery.