Welcome to Jigsaws

Jigsaws Childcare

Our nursery aims to nurtureinspire, challenge and enthuse your child as they take their first steps in the world.  We believe all children have the right to flourish as individuals and at our nursery they will be given the time and opportunity to do just that.  We aim to provide an environment to enthuse with quality teaching staff and resources.  To allow​ our children to develop as creative, competent learners with lots of access to the many opportunities available outdoors.


Our vision is to create a place that is secure and values caring, respectful relationships.


Picture gallery: a typical day

Forest schools

We are really proud of the many opportunities that we offer all the children who attend Jigsaws to explore the outdoors in a supportive yet challanging way.


"Children of all ages have very good opportunities to play outdoors and explore the local environment.  As a result, they benefit from lots of fresh air and physical exercise which keeps them fit and healthy" ofsted inspection 24/06/2013 Good in all areas.

We have staff trained at level 3 in Forest schools and all our staff have had accredited basic Forest Schools training.  We offer children the opportunity to visit the local woodland once a week during sessions.  We explore the environment, learn about ways to support each other in different locations and to undertake managed risks when undertaking challenging physical play

Our Rooms


3 Months to 15 Months


15 Months to 23 Months


24 Months to 36 Months


Age 3 to pre-school


Adventures are kids from preschool to year 6. Adventures are all the kids that need before or after School care known as 'Wrap around care' before school for 7:30 AM to 9 AM and after school care from 3 PM to 5:15PM or 6 PM.

Future Plans 

Jigsaws Childcare's new project to rebuild iits current site to make the local childcare sustainable.

Find out how you can help below. 

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© Jigsaws Childcare Limited