We're here for you:


+44 01937 558951


Opening hours 7.30am until 6pm  Monday to Friday all year



Please also use our contact form.


Jigsaws Childcare Limited
Main Street

Church Fenton Tadcaster LS24 9RF




New website

Now you can take a look at us here on the internet!

All messages

Information from A to Z

Here you can find out about how we run things at Jigsaws Childcare Limited. We need your help to keep this organisation running as smoothly as possible!


If you would like a place for your child at Jigsaws Childcare, please call and make an appointment and we'll gladly take the time to explain everything you need to know. You can make an appointment by phone or by using our contact form. We look forward to meeting you!



+44 01937 558951

What happens if my child is ill?

If your child is displaying any of the Covid 19 symptoms such as high temperature, consistent cough, loss of smell or taste, we ask that you do not attend the setting.  Please inform us that this is the case and then you will need to arrange a test to confirm a negative or positive outcome.  Again please inform us of the outcome as we have to report any suspected cases to our local authority.


It's unavoidable that small children catch all kinds of minor infections. If your child has been sick, or had loose stools we require them to have 24 hours away from the setting since their last episode.  If you are unsure if your child can attend nursery or when they can attend, say after a case of Chicken Pox or a rash, please call us to discuss their return. 

Our Local Offer

Jigsaws Childcare is a fully inclusive Full Day Nursery and offers a range of provision to support children with Special Educational Needs.  Please see our local offer document below.


local offer 17-18 (1).docx
Microsoft Word document [43.0 KB]

British Values Policy

As part of the Early Years framework Jigsaws has included on line Prevent training for all our staff and our designated safeguarding person has undetaken a certified Prevent training course.  From this training our staff came together and collaborated in producing a British Values policy which can be seen below.

British Values Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [36.5 KB]

Jigsaws Policies and Procedures



Policies and Procedures
This file contains our up to date policies and procedures covering safeguarding, health and safety and behaviour information.
Complete set of policies update 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]
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© Jigsaws Childcare Limited