Aims of the project
It is the intention of Jigsaws Childcare Ltd to increase the capacity of our childcare setting replacing our
inefficient, old portable single storey building for a two-storey, energy efficient building for which we need funds to enable us to realise our project.
Our community is ever-expanding with new houses being built and new families moving here; this, together with the Government’s Childcare Expansion scheme, means extra childcare places are in
demand. We have a waiting list for children needing childcare places and have turned away parents who need a funded place for their child. Therefore, we deem increasing Jigsaws capacity as an
important project within our community to enable us to assist new and existing families with their childcare needs. This is an ongoing business, and we intend to serve the community for many years to
Jigsaws Childcare has already aquired the planning permission in the closing months of 2024.