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+44 01937 558951


Opening hours 7.30am until 6pm  Monday to Friday all year



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Jigsaws Childcare Limited
Main Street

Church Fenton Tadcaster LS24 9RF




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Forest Schools

We are really proud of the many opportunities that we offer all the children who attend Jigsaws to explore the outdoors in a supportive yet challanging way.


"Children of all ages have very good opportunities to play outdoors and explore the local environment.  As a result, they benefit from lots of fresh air and physical exercise which keeps them fit and healthy" ofsted inspection 24/06/2013 Good in all areas.


We have staff trained at level 3 in Forest schools and all our staff have had acrediited basic Forest Schools training.  We offer children the opportunity to visit the local woodland once a week during sessions.  We explore the environment, learn about ways to support each other in different locations and to undertake managed risks when undertaking challenging physical play.


Our older children support staff to light fires and use tools to create woodland crafts.


NEW: We have a new Forest Schools/Outdoor Learning programme starting in 2019, please read the letter below for further information.

Forest School letter 2018.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [122.5 KB]
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