+44 01937 558951
Opening hours 7.30am until 6pm Monday to Friday all year
Please also use our contact form.
Jigsaws Childcare Limited
Main Street
Church Fenton Tadcaster LS24 9RF
Now you can take a look at us here on the internet!
Since March a core group of staff have allowed us to stay open and provide care to Key worker and vulnerable children. From the 1st of June, we started d to welcome back more of our children this has continued to grow as parents feel more confident. Over the summer we have continued to embed our covid 19 proceedures and support local and government requirements.
This Autumn term sees the return of our school children and we will provide wrap around care for Kirk Fenton School only. We are working closely with the school to provide a limited number of places in our Adventurers bubble, with set drop off and collection times.
We have put together Site Operating Procedures (see below) to create physical distance between specific cohorts of children, staff and parents. This will involve staggered drop off and collection times, (see below) our rooms are sectioned off and allow small groups to work separately, there will be no transitions between rooms for children. We will continue to undertake lots of outdoor activities within specific small groups each separated.
We have undertaken a full risk assessment (see below). We will continue to uphold stringent hygiene, health and safety procedures covering hand washing, cleaning rotas, waste disposal, and laundry. We will continue to use PPE for nappy changing and administration of first aid, but we will not be wearing face masks during interaction with our children.
We know that this is still an exceedingly difficult time for many of you and that the concerns and worries you have as parents for your children are still there. Jigsaws are continuing to follow government and industry standards and most of all make sure that our children, staff and families are as safe physically and mentally as possible.